season #2
TAU (transcendental psychedelia – GER)
*sabato 29 ottobre
*apertura porte ore 22:00
*tessera Federitalia obbligatoria (5€)
*contributo TBA
TAU (transcendental psychedelia – GER)
TAU è un nuovo gruppo creato dall’ex DEAD SKELETONS Shaun Nunutzi.
La loro musica è un mix di psichedelia evocativa, kraut-rock and suoni folkloristici del popolo Huichol del Messico.
Per fan di GOAT, Moon Duo, Can. Il loro nuovo disco è uscito a inizio settembre 2016 per Fuzz Club Records.
Tau is Shaun Nunutzi (Dead Skeletons) and Venezuelan multi-instrumentalist Gerald Pasqualin.
For centuries, the desert has proved to be a spiritually rich landscape, its vast openness and still tranquillity lending itself to many a spiritual awakening or outer body experience once within its endless grasp; and in a world that gets busier and more occupied by the day, this reflective escape into one of nature’s greatest spaces becomes understandably more appealing for some.
For TAU, this has certainly been the case. The mystical powers of the desert lands of the Real de Catorce in northwest Mexico have proven to be vital inspiration for their deeply psychedelic, mind-trip of an EP Wirikuta, the indigenous name for ‘land.’
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